Monday, February 9, 2009


Talked to Paul today and we decided we need to make stuff. We're all slackers and should force ourselves to create things of the artistic persuasion now before we get all wrinkly and old and dead. So let's make stuff. I propose some sort of group event once a month where we get together and share what we've made and then actually make something. So get your cameras, your sketchbooks, your poetry diary... whatever you want to create more of that might lend it self to getting done during our meetup and bring it with you. How does the first Monday night of each month work for you guys? Let me know. We'll work it out.


  1. I agree whole heartedly, we do need to make stuff. I don't know if Paul mentioned it or not, but he and I are slowly (very slowly) developing our own web comic. I think a regular creative meet up schedule would definitely help that along. Weekday nights would be rough for me with work (I work until 8), but if we can find some weekend time, I'm down.

  2. I've been putting a lot of thought into this lately and I'm tired of thinking/dreaming of doing something. It's time to start doing it. Monday and Wednesday nights are tough for me (until 9pm at least) due to Amy's job. Sunday afternoons are also a bit tough due to family obligations. Any other time should be pretty good. While we're nailing down a time, let's get to work. I'll be firing up the ol' scanner to get some drawings posted soon.

  3. I too have been thinking that I need to get off my ass and actually DO something. Yet, I haven't done a thing. I'm a lazy man. I was even thinking it would be cool to put together a blog like this one that we all could contribute to. That was over a month ago. Now, Jim has beaten me to it. I'm a lazy man.

    I think this whole thing is a great idea. I'm down. Weekends would work better for me too.

  4. I'm Game! I'll try to make any day work. The next question would be 'where?' Or would this be completely virtual? My place can be a spot at least once an a while. Hell! I don't know how many people Jim invited but I wonder what it would cost to rent a room at a community center or something. That would take a lot of ambition to organize. Are we ready for that? HA! Sorry I'll dial it back a bit. I need to think baby steps. right? This is a great idea it is like a "sewing group", but not really.

  5. "...but I wonder what it would cost to rent a room at a community center or something."

    That's an interesting idea. If it's only once every couple of weeks or once a month, I think that could be pretty cheap and also provide a little extra motivation for us. I think that's worth looking into.
